Trademark Services

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Trademark Filing @ 6000/Only
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Trademark Search

Trademark Search is one of the indispensable and recommended tasks related with registration of a trademark or service mark at national or international level. This trademark search may also be conducted in connection with any requested trademark infringement analysis. Our trademark attorneys have been undertaking perfect and dependable trademark searches for these both categories of purposes at national and international levels, on behalf of companies and firms located in countries worldwide. Our law firm is an adequately experienced and well-connected organization based in India, that has been providing world-class and responsible legal services to Indian and global clients in all areas and disciplines of the law, for a long successful and enriching period.

Quick Enquiry

The main objective of a trademark search is to ensure that there is no any previously registered trademark or service mark, or any applied trademark seeking registration, is objectionably similar to the newly created trademark of our any client, within the concerned national or international jurisdiction. Our exquisite and trustworthy trademark search services are now very popular in countries situated worldwide for national level as well as international level searches. Our vibrant attorneys have been flicking expertly through the trademark databases of the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark, on behalf of companies and firms in all economic sectors.

India Trademark Search Services

Because of being well-established in India, our legal services are exclusively more popular and preferred by companies and firms in every part of the country. Our services for trademark search india, are no exception to this fact. So far, our proficient trademark lawyers with international repute have been performing decent and swift trademark search services for benefits to entities in almost all economic fields, through all zonal trademark offices of India. For 'india trademark search' our lawyers go searchingly through the databases kept safe in the trademark offices located in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. These trademark databases comprise of two main categories of databases, namely, the database containing the list of all formerly registered trademarks and service marks with all trademark offices of India; and the databases which keep records of all filed trademark applications for proper registration with all zonal trademark offices of the country. We not only submit the results of a thorough trademark search, but also suggest some elegant and prudent measures for making the newly invented trademark or service mark more impeccable or unique. In case we find that the proposed trademark of our client happens to be objectionably similar with trademarks of other companies, then, we suggest ingenious and refined alterations for making the new trademark fully original and distinctly unique, and hence, readily acceptable for registrations with any relevant trademark office of India.